Meet Milo. He’s a yarn aficionado and loves to play fetch with it! Milo’s arrival at his forever home was very well timed. 😊
to share his story.Milo: ’ Cat
We’ve often referred to him as our Covid Cat, since we got him from a shelter in December 2019, just a few months before everything shut down. He was about 7 months old then and was oh so adorable in his late-kitten phase.
We often wonder if his life before us was spent with dogs since he plays fetch with a ball of yarn or other item you can throw. He brings it right back to you, plops it on the ground, waiting for you to throw it again! His favorite thing is yarn in any shape or form. This means I have to keep as much of my yarns, hand-spun and otherwise, in Ziploc bags or behind glass shelving.
There have been many mornings I have come downstairs to see my yarn entwined around all the legs of our breakfast nook table AND chairs…nearly woven together as he hopped in and out, over and under all the legs whilst holding the yarn ball in his mouth or just batting it around.
I’m really not sure how he does it, but it is impressive to see his work! 😂
I then spend time on my hands and knees, freeing my yarn from all the legs and winding it back up. Nothing is harmed so I think I just have a cat who appreciates yarn as much as I do!
It can also be quite challenging to sit in a chair knitting with a basket of my yarn on the floor. He will see the strand I’m knitting with and think surely I intend for him to play with it, put it in his mouth and run! Sometimes this does not end well. 😵💫
He is our beloved cat who loves to be right in the same room where we are, or being cuddled in our laps!
He also typically sits in a chair at the dining room table while we eat. We wonder if he is making sure we are protected while we eat! I have a feeling if I fed him a bowl of cat food at the table he would eat just like we are eating (only not cat food for us!)
When I set up my spinning wheel, he curls up right underneath and I like to think he enjoys the whir of the wheel as if it were purring.
He is very much an indoor cat who does not even want to go outside as he is a bit on the anxious side and doesn’t like loud noise or the unknown world of the outdoors. We are just fine with that! 💖
I also love drawing Milo, as his markings are so striking! Here’s a sketch of him looking out the window of my studio.
If anyone enjoys sketching or drawing, or wants to start a practice of filling a sketchbook, I have an eBook available which offers tips and encouragement for drawing one’s everyday life.
It is called Discover Your Life Beautiful: One Drawing At A Time by Jennifer Edwards. There are also patterns and yarns and a few other things you might enjoy there! Happy Spring!
Thanks so much again, Jennifer, for sharing! Milo’s coat is so lovely and I can appreciate how much you enjoy sketching him. Your art is delightful! 😊
Does your pet move you to photos of them or draw them?
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Before you go…
He could probably “felt” a whole ball of yarn for you. His face looks just like our dear cat Andrew, once called Andy but soon graduated into Andrew H. Brown for his sincerity and devotion.
Sweet face on that cat! They made the best covid companions, didn't they?