Welcome To The Yarn Bay Community!

The place where we stand for making by hand, creativity, lifelong learning, positivity, and supporting each other.

Who We’re For

  • Makers who cherish the joy of creating with their hands.

  • Individuals who value slow fashion and the beauty of handmade garments that stand the test of time.

  • Supporters of small businesses and communities.

  • Those seeking a meaningful, intentional, and stress-free life.

  • Advocates for the empowerment of older women.

  • Lifelong learners who embrace creativity.

  • Folks determined to age well and make a positive contribution.

Who We’re Not For

  • Those who see crafting as a waste of time.

  • Individuals who choose to stop learning and growing.

  • Those who believe older women are irrelevant.

  • People who don’t support the importance of the environment.

  • Folks who think getting older means their best years are already behind them.

  • Anyone who dismisses the value of handmade items.

  • Individuals who believe learning stops the moment you leave school.

  • People who celebrate fast fashion.

We say no to fast fashion, big businesses squeezing independent makers, mindless distraction perpetuated by AI-driven-algorithms, society brushing older women aside, and the constant societal pressure to have and do more to be successful.

Harmful myths like: handicrafts are only for older people, crafting is unproductive and a frivolous waste of time, and you can’t be seen making in public.

Not to mention people who think knitting is the same as crocheting and vice versa. And ask you why you’d spend 20 hours making a sweater when you could just buy one!

Fast fashion, though trendy and cheap, is turning parts of our planet into a wasteland. Clothing gets worn once and then thrown out because it falls apart in a few months. Or even worse, it never leaves the wardrobe as the item has gone out of fashion!

Social media was supposed to be about community and delightful discovery. Now the AI-powered algorithms give us a meaningless stream of invasive, inappropriate, and unhelpful ‘look how good I am’ posts. These algorithms that are all over the internet, are supposedly ‘better’ than human curation. Really? 

Big businesses told us the internet would give us more choices and convenience than ever before. All they’ve done is increase their profits, while the environment suffers and local yarn stores, indie dyers and designers, and small businesses fight for visibility.

Conventional wisdom says you only have worth if you’re super productive. Slower, more fulfilling craft activities are seen as frivolous and a waste of time.

Society values women only for their beauty, and the moment they hit middle age, and they’ve ‘served their usefulness’, they’re cast aside. Older women are unrepresented, isolated, ignored, and invisible.

But you know all this.

And you know there’s a solution to these problems.

We can take a stand against fast fashion, choosing to hand-make heirloom-worthy garments that’ll look beautiful and last a lifetime.

Support small businesses, local yarn stores, and independent designers and makers, benefiting ourselves, the community, and our environment.

Log off social media, step away from the endless noise and distraction of AI-algorithms and find calmer ways of connecting on the internet.

Refuse to buy into the idea that older women are not worthy members of society. We’re wise, relevant, powerful, essential, health-conscious, kind, generous, and valuable people.

Say no to the constant societal pressure to do more, be more, and have more to be seen as successful.

Recognize the ideas ‘making is only for old people’, ‘don’t waste 23 hours knitting a sweater when you could just buy one,’ ‘don’t let them see you crafting in public’ and ‘making things by hand is frivolous’ for what they are.

Harmful myths.

We can choose a different way.

One that’s kinder to ourselves, each other, and the planet.

Where we’re all celebrated, not shunned for our differences.

Where we celebrate the power of creativity, make a difference, nurture each other, share our wisdom and resourcefulness, and embrace lifelong learning.

That’s the spirit of Yarn Bay.

And we hope you’ll join us in our community.

Why Subscribe?

When you become a Yarn Bay Member, you’re supporting creativity, making by hand, diversity, lifelong learning, positivity, and being part of a community.

And you’re taking a stand against harmful crafting myths, fast fashion, productivity-is-everything, unsustainability, ageism and mindless distraction.

All members receive two regularly scheduled weekly issues:

  • Fridays: I answer the best of your questions about living a meaningful, creative, stress-free life, making a positive difference, aging well, and lots more through the lens of being a maker.

  • Sundays: I scour countless blogs, newsletters, magazines, and other publications to find the best of the internet for you. The items I find are surprising, delightful, and fascinating. They’re all around the themes of positivity, creativity, aging well, and staying curious.

Every month, I spend hundreds of hours keeping Yarn Bay going.

It’s a labor of love that’s also my livelihood.

Since 2016, my work has remained authentic, hand-crafted and hand-selected, AI-algorithm-free, human-written, and completely reader-supported. This is thanks to the generosity from my members. It makes all the difference.

If you support making by hand, slow fashion, lifelong learning, independent makers, intentional living, diversity, sustainability, and community…

Please consider joining the cause by becoming a Yarn Bay VIP Member.

They make all this possible. I couldn’t do it without them.

While all VIP members get my endless appreciation and gratitude, they also get:

  • 🔓 Behind-The-Scenes: You’ll receive occasional personal letters about my upcoming projects, plans, and more!

  • 🗓️ Birthday Surprise: An enjoyable (mysterious!) recommendation on your birthday.

  • 💥 Curiosity Cabinet: My hand-picked, organized list of all fun recommendations for you to enjoy.

  • 🎁 Gift Membership: One membership of the same value for your friend.

  • 👀 Sneak Peeks: My VIP Members always get special treatment. You get a first look at everything new before everyone else.

  • ✨ VIP Discounts: Get an exclusive 20% off on my other publications: What To Knit Next & What To Crochet Next, PLUS a discount on all my future projects (which will never be available again.)

  • ❔ Your Questions Get Answered First: When you send in your best questions, you’ll get my attention first!

And, if you really find my work valuable, you can pledge a custom amount for an annual membership. Your generosity helps keep me going.

As a thank you, you’ll receive all the above, and get these extra features:

  • 💡 Knitting & Crochet Habits: My Success Manuals. (Worth $74 combined!)

  • ♾️ Lifetime Updates: All improved versions of Knitting & Crochet Habits.

  • 🧶 Pattern Downloads: PDFs of all my knitting and crochet designs.

  • 🎁 Gift Memberships: Three annual memberships for your friends.

And I’m always working to provide you with more value as a thank you for helping Yarn Bay continue. So there’s lots more to come.

Plus, with my 37-day money-back guarantee, you can try it risk-free. If you're not completely satisfied, I'll refund your membership - no questions asked.

What Our Happy Members Are Saying

Here’s what some of our many members have said about Yarn Bay:

  • “I’m really enjoying the yarny world of Jodie Morgan. Jodie has a wealth of knowledge and experience which she shares so generously, and I love the fact that I meet so many other yarny folk through her writing.” —

  • “Jodie and her newsletters are always a source of inspiration and connection around yarn, crafting a handmade life in the smallest details, and noticing the beauty in the smallest things. A breath of fresh air when one comes in my inbox.” —

  • “Jodie speaks from the heart and is a breath of fresh air. I love her Friday letter and look forward to it immensely.” —

  • “Jodie is sharing lots of knitting eye candy to ignite or reignite your love of this soothing, mindful craft.” —

  • “Knitters! You gotta check out all the wonderful things Jodie offers! ❤️ I’m enjoying her Fiber Fridays, but she offers so much more in the way of tutorials and all kinds of knitterly goodness!” —

  • “Absolutely love how Jodie works on her projects and then reflects on them, too! ❤️” —

  • “I supported your work because it lifts me up and helps build my creativity." —

  • “I don’t think it would be possible to stay in a grumpy mood if one was reading this post. Showing up here makes me feel vibrant and like I want to live my life and explore all these things. Thank you!” —

  • “Jodie’s always interesting to read and her work offers a comprehensive guide to all aspects of knitting and crochet.” —

  • “Folks, please check out Jodie’s Substack, it’s full of wonderful fibery stuff every week!” —

  • “Jodie Morgan’s weekly newsletters for all subscribers are packed with yarn store tours, trivia, updates on her works-in-progress, and product recommendations.” —

    , The Craft Industry Alliance

More About Jodie Morgan

is the Founding Editor of Yarn Bay, an Australian knitter and crocheter with 40+ years of experience, the author of the Knitting Habits & Crochet Habits Success Manuals, and a member of the Craft Industry Alliance.

She’s an advocate for mindful crafting, slow fashion, aging well, preserving handicrafts, sustainability, the importance of community, and small businesses.

She’s also the founder of What To Knit Next, What To Crochet Next, Knit Like Granny, and Crochet Penguin.

Her work has been featured in Business Insider, Bustle, the Craft Industry Alliance, Furls Crochet, Digital Journal, Knitgrammer, Knitted Bliss, Knitting Traditions, Yahoo, and many other publications.

You may have heard her story. 2015 was the tipping point...

Read Part 1 here: Frustrated Teacher Quits In Disgust, Sells The Farm, Moves The Family Halfway Across The World And… Starts Knitting

She currently lives in regional Australia with her husband and kids.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What’s Jodie’s Weekly Schedule?

A: On Tuesdays, I help you banish your what to knit next dilemmas. On Thursdays, I help you discover your next fabulous crochet project.

On Fridays, I answer your best questions, and on Sundays, I send you my hand-picked recommendations for a relaxing, leisurely read.

Q: How Can I Get my Question Answered?

A: Due to the large number of questions I get from my members, I answer the best ones every week on Friday. I love receiving them but due to the large volume, I can't answer them all individually!

To submit your question, please email my personal assistant,

: support@yarnbay.org

Thanks for reading, you can help keep Yarn Bay going by becoming a Yarn Bay VIP Member.

THOUSANDS of people are members, including knitters, crocheters, designers, writers, artists, and other creative people from all over the world. (47 US states, 41 countries, and counting!)

Don't let another day go by feeling unfulfilled, stressed, or disconnected.

Join us and become part of the community by clicking here!

P.S. Ready to join a community that values creativity, slow fashion, and lifelong learning? It’s all waiting for you at Yarn Bay. Become a VIP Member now!

Subscribe to Yarn Bay

We celebrate making by hand, creativity, lifelong learning and supporting each other. Together we fight against harmful crafting myths, fast fashion, productivity-is-everything, corporate greed, unsustainability, ageism and mindless distraction. Join us!


Jodie Morgan is an avid knitter and crocheter with 40+ years of experience. She's the author of the Knitting Habits & Crochet Habits success manuals, unraveling centuries of wisdom. Join her and many happy knitters and crocheters in Yarn Bay.
Jodie Morgan's personal assistant. Jack of all creative, esoteric, digital trades.